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Home > Product > Rubber&Plastic > Rubber and plastic additive > Antioxidants


Release Date: The Column:Antioxidants


Appearance A white crystalline powder
Colour and lustre ≤25APHA
Content ≥98%(UV)
The final melting point ≥69.80℃
purity ≥99.7%
Phenol content NO
Alkylphenol content ≤0.3%
Ash product ≤0.008%
Water content NO
Crystallization point ≥69℃
At the beginning of melting point and melting point temperature difference ≤0.4℃

1.Is efficient stabilizer of polymer and different kinds of rubber.

2.Non-toxic, can be applied to the direct contact with food and biological material.

3.Insoluble in water, soluble in oil, toluene, acetone, partly soluble in ethanol, organochlorine solvent.


1.For olefin polymerization, polystyrene, hot melt adhesive and coating of thermal stabilizer.

2.For the lubricating oil, transformer oil, gasoline and different kinds of fuel oil antioxidants.

Packing: 25 kg/bag
Origin: Russia